Friday, February 20, 2015

Week 7: Say no to FB!

For those who are not aware, I am on a 52 weeks adventure this year where in I decide my own adventures! For more details, check out here!

For this week I decided to go without internet for a day. But then I realized all my entertainment devices at home work on the internet except for my husband ;) Maybe I can have a separate blog on my husband's entertainment quotient! So yes, my cable, my land line and of course my social media hub needs the fuel of internet. I was fine with not watching TV, but I did not want to compromise on my calls back home. So I improvised my adventure and it became a day without Social Media.

Just in the morning I decide this and my mobile phone beeps informing me that one of my FB friends has tagged me in her status. This friend never usually tags me. And as they curiosity kills the cat - my fingers lingered over that FB icon on my phone for entire 30 seconds. But then I controlled myself and switched off the data connection from my phone. It was not easy.

During the entire day my hands inadvertently went so many times to my mobile. That is when I realized how addicted I have been to my mobile. I realized that I used to check my mobile every 30 minutes or so maybe 20 times a day. Now that was an eye opener. Do we really need to check FB so many times a day seeing what our friends have been upto? Don't we have better things to do with our own life? No offense to anyone as I myself have been doing this for such a long time.

What I gained out of my social media hiatus was immense. I finished off two articles for a e-magazine and one entry for a writing contest. The contest was about 'My Style' and I was pondering about what to write for almost a week. Then the idea struck and with no distraction, I completed my piece in flat 30 minutes. My focus and concentration level were at the best.

I felt more energetic at the end of the day with no anxiety or tired eyes. I moved around the house more which gave some motion to my body and it felt good. I cooked an extra dish that day and my husband was surprised to see that one extra delicacy on his plate. I cleaned my wardrobe which was pending since a very long time. All this I could do with my new found energy. I even went to gym in the evening (my tryst with exercise is yet another separate blog story).

The most important thing I experienced was peace of mind. I got so much time to ponder and be with myself that I was overwhelmed with my thoughts. I usually take all life's crucial decisions either in the shower or while brushing my teeth at night ;) But this was altogether a different experience and I mulled over a lot of aspects of my life and the way ahead.

This was my day without Social Media. Maybe some time in future I will go first a day entirely without internet and then maybe a week. For that I need to have tremendous mind control and that itself will be the biggest adventure.

So if you have an entertaining partner or spouse, try going without your internet for a day!!! :)

(Image Credit :


  1. Weekly adventure should be for a week.. try this for one week maybe... ;)

    1. For that I need stalwart's determination like you! I will be there one day :)

  2. Grt job girl !!!
    My one week without internet, was just awesome. Had actually kept my mobile on fridge ;) for 7days. Didn't even bother to charge it . I am the Domestic Goddess, & usually don't get much time to pass, but was little addicted to YouTube just for recipe, and youku for movies. Not a single movie in 7 days, no fbk , no watsapp, no TV!!! I cleaned the wardrobe, kitchen drawers, changed the living room setting. Got more time for meditation , two hrs daily !! Out of the world experience. When I came back to internet, I felt everything is new to me :)!!! I called it mind fasting, I checked my thoughts every hr. Sang songs loudly, painted, paper art aah soooo many beautiful things to do :)! Truly enjoyed v:)

    1. That is so great Pooja :)
      It is indeed reveling to be without the internet. Very soon even I will go without internet for a week and experience the peace!
